Sunday, November 18, 2012

Be Thankful

Though Thanksgiving is still a few days away, I'm reminded to be thankful today...and every day.

At times I focus on the negatives and let the sorrow of those drown out the positives. I forget that though I lost both my mom and dad, I had many years with them. Some lose their parents when they are but children. I was in my 50's before mine passed.  I forget that Mom and Dad had also accepted Jesus Christ into their life, so they are now in a better place. I forget too that because I also accepted the Lord as my Savior, I get to be with my parents again. In just this one area of my life, I  have much to be thankful for.

Sometimes I feel weighed down from health issues, but I need to remind myself that many people deal with much more. I have fibromyalgia, but I don't have lupus or MS. I sometimes struggle to breathe because of asthma, but I don't have emphysema. I have osteoarthritis in my knees; but thankfully, I can walk! I know it's OK at times to be emotionally affected by what I go through, but I shouldn't stay in that place too long. I need to remember, and focus on, the positive aspects of my life...what I have to be thankful for; otherwise, I may drown in a a sea of self-pity. And how will that help me???

Most important, I need to be thankful daily that Jesus died on the cross for me. He gave up his life so that I could live forever. 

John 3:16 (NIV)
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

I could make a long list of the blessings in my life, but I'll mention just one more. Last night when I couldn't sleep, I looked out back and saw two white-tail bunnies not 10 feet away. This might seem insignificant, but it wasn't to me. I watched the rabbits as they laid there and then as they hopped away. It all brought a smile to my heart.  It was a reminder of God's care for each of us. He knows us inside and out. He knew my love for animals and how seeing those bunnies would bring me joy. 

Thank you, Lord, for finding a way to bless me even during my insomnia. I am grateful for all you've brought into my life. Help me continue to focus on the positive, not the negative, and to look to You when I am struggling. I know you are always with me...I need never feel alone. I am thankful for You. Amen.

Happy Thanksgiving Week! 

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