Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Too Many Thoughts

It's another night when I'm struggling to sleep. Pain isn't too bad...just monkey mind. My brain is flitting around and finding no place to stop. I'll list a few thoughts as they crowd in and out of my mind:

  • The ceiling fan looks like a star
  • I wonder if Mao Clinic thinks eating wheat causes inflammation and weight gain?
  • What's that light...oh yea, it's the bathroom light I left on
  • Wish my back wasn't hurting
  • Wonder why Daisy is restless
  • Do I have enough water in my throat has been staying dry
  • I wonder if Marty turned the heat down before we went to bed
  • My front tooth feels sensitive
  • I read 71 books last year...starting my 3rd this year...what should my goal be for the year? Maybe I shouldn't make one...I just read what I read anyway and who really cares???
  • I've been lying up here almost 3 hours and still don't feel like I can sleep
  • I've got to exercise tomorrow...can't be lazy like today
  • I hope Isabel likes the birthday gifts we got her
  • Peanut and Zoe go to the groomer tomorrow...wish I'd put it off
  • Need to review some manuscripts...Karen might have responses for me too
  • Don't know why I'm having more trouble breathing today
  • I should make that chicken- vegetable soup - I think I have everything for it
  • Think I'll eat wheat again...not sure it is as bad as that book made it out to be - I really believe that everything is OK in moderation; plus I won't stick with it long-term anyway. I never do with stuff like that...maybe cause I don't have any faith in myself
  • That light in the bathroom bugs me...feel like the dogs need it though
  • Wish I could sleep like Marty...he goes right to sleep and sleeps well for the most part
  • Gotta remember to pickup that gift at Best Buy
  • I took Mom for granted...did I think she was going to live forever??? She was 72!
  • Wish I had nothing to do tomorrow
  • The blog site needs more backgrounds...I'm bored with all they's a free site though so I guess I shouldn't complain
  • Isabel told me I was too nice the other day...started to tell her that you can never be too nice, but then wondered if that was's cool that she thinks I'm nice though
  • My feet feel cold even with all this cover
  • My neck hurts...shoulders too
  • Gotta find a new position...hips are hurting worse 
  • Need to get that cheese for Gage before Monday
  • The quilting basics class is on a day I can go now, but I'm not sure I have the energy for it now
  • Looks like a shadow of some kind on the ceiling
  • Wish this cough would go away...I'm really tired of it
Enough talk of my monkey's too much to keep up with; plus, it's kind of depressing to hear myself think. When I don't write my thoughts, they fly from my brain without much attention paid to them. When I write or say my thoughts out loud, they have more impact on my emotions. That can be bad.

I do feel sleepier now. Maybe by listing the sometimes mindless matters that clutter my brain, I bored myself into a sleepy state. I can only hope! :-) 

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